This ministry works in teams of four to help distribute the consecrated bread and wine during Communion at Mass. The teams on Saturday and on Sunday are scheduled approximately once a month, although teams may serve 4-6 times in a four-month period.
Lectors proclaim God’s Word and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. Besides training and materials given to prepare them for this ministry, they are asked to be persons of the Word. They should take time regularly to read, pray and study the Scriptures and use prayer guides such as “The Living Faith” booklet available at church to acquaint them with and deepen their understanding of the message of Scripture. Lectors serve on a weekend rotation and may be asked for Holy Day Masses/Services.
Two individuals who bring the gifts of bread and wine to Father at the time of preparation representing the entire community gathered. The coordinator calls to invite them to participate prior to the weekend or holyday. This is a casual volunteer ministry with no set schedule.
Assist the presider during Mass, most often a Funeral Mass. After receiving training and assisting at a Mass with an experienced server, they will be asked to serve on a rotation basis when there is a funeral. Because funerals can be anytime, Monday through Saturday, those wishing to be a part of this ministry should have flexible time during the week. Adult servers may also come up to serve for Holy Days or weekends when a youth server may not be available.
Assist the presider before and during Mass. They may light candles, carry the Processional Cross, hold the Sacramentary, prepare the Altar, and other tasks as asked to do by the presider. If volunteered for weekend and Holy Day Masses, they are scheduled in pairs for Saturday or Sunday, as they request.
People who are warm, friendly and helpful, welcome all those who come to worship. They arrive 20 to 30 minutes before the start of a Mass or Service to prepare the spaces by turning on lights, opening inside doors, and making sure they are aware of any special events taking place. Ushers are scheduled as part of a team at each weekend Mass on a rotation basis.
People who are warm, friendly and helpful welcome all those who come to worship. They arrive 20 to 30 minutes before the start of a Mass or Service to hold doors open for all who come to worship and greet them with “Good Morning,” or “Good Evening.” Greeters are scheduled at their convenience and at the Mass that they normally attend.
A four part chorus that is open to any interested parish member, high school age and up. The choir practices every Wednesday evening in the choir loft from September through May. The Adult Choir sings about every other Sunday and on Holy Days.
The Funeral Choir coordinates their music with the help of Pastoral Minister and Pastoral Coordinator. The choir is open to anyone who desires to join.
Song Leaders and Canters provide music on Saturdays and when the Adult Choir is not singing. Individuals or small teams who sing and/or play piano or guitar are welcome for this ministry.
Members wash and iron Altar Linens on a weekly rotating basis (3 hour commitment). The Servers Albs are laundered every 6 months (3 hour commitment).
This group dusts the altars surrounding areas of the church. They mop floors and vacuum carpets in the church and entryways. Cleaning of the pews is done twice a year, especially if candles are used during a ceremony.
Members collect flowers and branches from gardens and fields which are placed in moderation around the baptismal font on the side of the Ambo. Sometimes plants are ordered from shops or brought from home. Members also decorate more elaborately for Christmas and Easter.